Human Design Splenic Authority | How to Make Aligned Decisions
You're about to learn how to use your Human Design Splenic Authority to make aligned decisions in your business and life, which is a part of the first pillar of the Create Method.
If you're like most people, you are taught to look outside of yourself to make decisions, or to use your mind to make a logical or rational decision. This can often lead to frustration or constantly questioning yourself and the decisions that you've made.
Here, you're going to learn that the most aligned decisions and guidance actually comes from within using your own intuition and human design. Your inner truth comes from one very specific place.
This inner truth is called your Authority. You can use your authority for all types of decisions that you make throughout your day and your life. It's your most consistent and reliable internal source of energy. And it gives you clear guidance about whether something such as decisions or opportunities are correct for you or not.
It might take some time and practice to learn how to tap into your authority and interpret what it's telling you through all that mind, chatter that you might have. And if you're just getting started, I recommend that you practice using your authority to make small decisions at first so you can consistently access and act on this feedback. Once you get used to working with your authority and trusting its guidance, then you can begin to use it for bigger decisions
As a Splenic Authority, your most aligned decisions are made in the moment from your deep inner intuition.
It can be a quiet voice in your head or something that you just feel. And it might not make sense in the moment, but you just know something is right for you or not. Your decisions might actually seem reckless to others, but not to you. The voice is very quiet and it's important that you get away from others so that you can actually hear it.
The spleen is the center of health in the system. So if you're feeling unclear, it might help to ask yourself, "Is this decision healthy for me?" And if you're not a hundred percent sure if something's right for you, then the answer is just No. If you still aren't a hundred percent sure if something's right for you, then the answer is No. Get clear on the ways that your intuition speaks to you so you can recognize that splenic authority in the moment.
For small decisions, let your inner knowing and intuition guide you.
What did you know without even having to think about it? You're designed to make decisions in the moment that are very quick and intuitive. So take a moment to breathe, go inward and ask yourself, what am I hearing or feeling? What do I just know? And is this healthy for me, pay attention to how your intuition responds. When you're getting started with this guidance system, it might help to practice using it for small decisions first, before you move on to those bigger decisions.
For bigger decisions, although we've been conditioned to think things through and make logical decisions, you're actually designed to make quick decisions in the moment, even big ones.
If you're around a lot of people or you're unable to tap into your intuition, wait until you can turn your focus inward. Your first reaction and inner knowing are what are going to guide you.
So is fear holding you back from making that aligned decision? Are you choosing what feels safe over? What you know is right for you, connect to your trust in yourself and surrender to the universe where your true sense of safety lies versus what's logical in your mind.
That's how you recognize your use your Human Design Splenic Authority. However, if you don't know how to apply human design principles effectively to each unique aspect of your marketing sales and client attraction strategy, you're missing out on unlocking the next level of abundance in your business.
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