Self Projected Projector: Human Design Authority to Make Aligned Decisions

human design self projected authority


You’re about to learn how to use your Human Design Self-Projected Authority to make aligned decisions in your business and life. Self-projected authority means a unique decision-making mechanism that exists specifically within Projectors in Human Design.

If you’re like most people, you are taught to look outside of yourself to make decisions, or to use your mind to make a logical or rational decision. This can often lead to frustration or constantly questioning yourself and the decisions that you’ve made.

Here, you’re going to learn that the most aligned decisions and guidance actually comes from within using your own intuition and human design. Your inner truth comes from one very specific place, your inner authority.

This inner truth is called your Authority. You can use your authority for all types of decisions that you make throughout your day and your life. It’s your most consistent and reliable internal source of energy. And it gives you clear guidance about whether something such as decisions or opportunities are correct for you or not. It might take some time and practice to learn how to tap into your authority and interpret what it’s telling you through all that mind chatter that you might have.

And if you’re just getting started, I recommend that you practice using your authority to make small decisions at first so you can consistently access and act on this feedback. Once you get used to working with your authority and trusting its guidance, then you can begin to use it for bigger decisions.

Understanding Self-Projected Authority

Self-Projected Authority is a unique decision-making strategy within the Human Design system. It empowers individuals to make decisions based on their own inner guidance and self-expression. This authority is deeply rooted in the G Center, also known as the Identity Center, which governs self-awareness, identity, and direction.

For those with Self-Projected Authority, their own voice and intuition are paramount in the decision-making process. This means that their choices are influenced by their emotional and mental clarity, allowing them to navigate life in a way that feels authentic and true to themselves.

Definition and Characteristics

A Self-Projected Projector is a unique type of Human Design authority characterized by a defined G Center (Identity Center) connected to the Throat Center, with an undefined splenic center and no motor centers connected to the Throat. This specific configuration means that Self-Projected Projectors rely heavily on their inner authority and self-expression for decision-making.

The G Center governs self-awareness, identity, and direction, while the Throat Center is responsible for communication and manifestation. Without motor centers connected to the Throat, Self-Projected Projectors do not have the consistent energy to initiate actions but instead thrive on expressing their truth and being recognized for their unique insights. This setup allows them to make decisions that are deeply aligned with their true self, ensuring that their choices reflect their authentic identity and inner guidance.

The Role of the G Center in Self-Projected Authority

The G Center plays a crucial role in Self-Projected Authority, as it is the center of self-awareness, identity, and direction. The G Center is responsible for guiding individuals towards their true path and purpose.

In Self-Projected Authorities, the G Center is connected to the Throat Center, which enables them to express their truth and communicate their decisions effectively. The G Center is also responsible for filtering out external influences and conditioning, allowing Self-Projected Authorities to make decisions that are authentic and true to themselves.

The Throat Center’s Impact on Decision-Making

The Throat Center has a significant impact on decision-making in Self-Projected Authorities. The Throat Center is responsible for communication and self-expression, and it plays a crucial role in articulating one’s truth and decisions.

In Self-Projected Authorities, the Throat Center is connected to the G Center, which enables them to express their decisions and communicate their truth effectively. The Throat Center also influences the way Self-Projected Authorities interact with others and how they present themselves to the world.

Self-Projected Channels and their Significance

Self-Projected Projectors have one of four channels that connect the G Center to the Throat Center, each playing a crucial role in their decision-making process and self-expression. These channels are pathways through which the energy and information from the G Center are communicated to the Throat Center, enabling Self-Projected Projectors to articulate their inner truth and make aligned decisions. Understanding these channels can help Self-Projected Projectors harness their unique strengths and navigate life with greater clarity and authenticity.

The Channel of Inspiration: 1 - 8

The Channel of Inspiration is all about self-expression and creativity. Individuals with this channel are designed to express themselves authentically and inspire others through their unique perspective and artistic approach to life. They are natural creators and visionaries, often leading by example and encouraging others to embrace their individuality. For those with the Channel of Inspiration, it is essential to follow their excitement and passions, allowing their creative energy to flow freely. By doing so, they can empower others to do the same and create a ripple effect of inspiration and self-expression.

The Channel of the Alpha: 7 - 31

The Channel of the Alpha is centered around leadership and influence. People with this channel are natural leaders, designed to guide and direct others. However, their leadership should not be forced; instead, it should emerge organically as they prove their capability and earn the recognition of others. Those with the Channel of the Alpha should wait for the right opportunities to step into leadership roles, ensuring that their influence is welcomed and respected. By adhering to their Strategy and Authority, they can lead effectively and authentically, making a positive impact on their communities.

The Channel of Awakening: 10 - 20

The Channel of Awakening is focused on spiritual awareness, empowerment, and self-love. Individuals with this channel are designed to guide others in these areas, but only when invited. They possess a deep understanding of spiritual truths and have the ability to empower others through their insights and experiences. It is crucial for those with the Channel of Awakening to be mindful of their words and to share their wisdom only when it is sought after. By following their Strategy and Authority, they can ensure that their guidance reaches the right people at the right time, fostering growth and transformation in themselves and others.

The Channel of the Prodigal: 13 - 33

The Channel of the Prodigal is about embracing wealth, abundance, and the enjoyment of life's pleasures. Individuals with this channel have a natural flair for recognizing opportunities and attracting prosperity, often sharing their abundance with others. They are meant to experience life fully and indulge in its offerings, all while inspiring those around them to do the same. For those with the Channel of the Prodigal, it’s important to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and generosity, allowing their experiences of joy and fulfillment to resonate with others. By honoring their Strategy and Authority, they can navigate their relationship with wealth positively, creating a ripple effect of prosperity and abundance in their communities.

As a Self-Projected Authority, Your Most Aligned Decisions Are Made When You Choose What You Identify With Most

As a Self-Projected Authority, your most aligned decisions are made when you choose what you identify with most. This means that you need to tune into your own inner guidance and listen to your intuition. Your decisions should be based on what feels true to you, rather than what others think or expect. By choosing what you identify with most, you will be able to make decisions that align with your values, goals, and aspirations.

Does your decision feel like you or the person you see yourself as being? Since your decisions are based on your concept of self, it’s important to nurture your self image and self-worth so that you make the healthiest, most expansive decisions for yourself.

It’s also important to be aware of where this identity comes from. Are you acting based on who you truly are and want to be? Or based on who you’re supposed to be? The emotional and behavioral challenges of the 'not self' can lead to feelings of bitterness and disconnection from one's true self. Focus on who you want to be, do what you want to honor your truth and that is the most aligned decision for you.

Small decisions, even at the smallest level, your overarching identity will guide your decision-making.

You’re designed to make these decisions quickly and in the moment, ask yourself, am I the type of person who eats a salad for lunch or a hamburger? If you’re having trouble connecting to yourself, when you’re in that moment, give yourself some space from others and go inward to connect to who you truly are and want to be. Understanding your motor centers can also help you identify your energy dynamics and make more aligned decisions.

Your overarching identity will also guide your decision-making for these bigger decisions.

These decisions should reflect the best version of you in that moment so you’re still going to be able to make those decisions quickly. If you find that making a big decision is giving you anxiety or stress, give yourself permission to make the decision in your own timing. The projector strategy emphasizes the importance of waiting to be invited before engaging with others, which can help align with your true nature. Your intuition will grow louder and louder over time.

Keep in mind that your identity is ever-changing and evolving. As you grow into new versions of yourself and your decisions and behaviors are going to reflect these shifts. You are allowed to outgrow your old identities and shift into new ones.

That’s how you recognize your use your Human Design Self-Projected Authority. However, if you don’t know how to apply human design principles effectively to each unique aspect of your marketing sales and client attraction strategy, you’re missing out on unlocking the next level of abundance in your business.


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