7 Things You Need to Start Your Soulpreneur Business

You Decided That You Are Ready To Start A Business Of Your Own, Something That Is Not A Corporate Job. Something That Lights You Up. You’re Ready To Start Your New Soulpreneur Business.
You did it! You made the decision.
You are equally excited and terrified at the idea of taking this leap into a brand new world. The thought of being your own boss feels so right. You’re done playing by other people’s rules.
You might even know already what that business of yours might be. It’s something you’ve been dreaming up for month’s while you grind away in your cubicle. Even if you don’t yet, you know that you’ve opened the door of possibility. And once you’ve opened that door, you can’t go back to the way things were.
On the other hand, you realize there is so much that goes into starting a new business. A name, a logo, a product, websites, marketing, finding clients… the list goes on.
Feeling overwhelmed, you might catch yourself thinking, “How do I even know where to begin? Maybe my job isn’t so bad after all.
Let me stop you right there. You deserve so much more than to settle for a life that keeps you small.
When I was starting out, I felt similar emotions and more. So I totally get where you are coming from. That’s why I’ve created a guide to help you get started on your soulpreneur business. Note: These steps were actually written in order so ideally you work through the first step before moving to the next.
This is perhaps the most important thing of them all. That’s why it’s first on the list. You need to have the right mindset throughout the launch phase of your business. So what does that mean? First, mentally preparing yourself for the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. There will be great days, good days, & bad days.
Your goal is to stay as emotionally consistent as possible while riding those waves. One way I do this is through a consistent morning routine. I also have a toolkit of trusted practices that help me process & move through the bad days a little more efficiently.
Do you have clarity on your purpose? If not, I have a great guide here. If you are still figuring it out, don’t fret and don’t let yourself think you are “behind”. Many of us are still figuring it out because our purpose evolves as we grow.
But what I can guarantee is that your purpose probably involves serving others in some way and helping them transform into a better version of themselves. Everyone might have a different modality they use to aid the transformation. In the end, humans derive great purpose from helping each other out.
If you’re having trouble identifying your purpose, start by asking yourself, “What strengths/passions do I have that drive true transformation in others?”
Target Audience
Once you identify your purpose, you need to identify who it is that you will be transforming. What type of person receives the most benefit when you are living out your purpose? Is there a certain group or segment that you deeply relate to?
As much as we want to help anyone & everyone who wants to be helped, it’s actually important to be super defined and filtered down on your niche. I know it seems counterintuitive, but trust me on this. Who is that one perfect client that is a perfect match for you and your services? Talk to directly to him/her. If you can’t clearly define your target audience, how are they going to know that you are perfect for them?
Products & Offerings
Now that you know who you want to serve and the transformation you want to deliver, it’s time to create offerings for you to deliver that result to your audience. There are a couple factors to consider. First, what does your audience need the most? Second, what is the best way for you to deliver the transformation? Is it 1:1? Is it in a group setting? Is it a course, coaching, hourly work?
You also need to pick offerings that flow best with your work style. Are you better 1:1 or in groups? Do you want your exchanges to be quick & transactional or detailed & deep? And even though you might only launch one product to start, it’s good to also brainstorm a portfolio of offerings based on the needs of your clients during this time.
When people are ready to launch a business they first start with their brand. Notice how brand is actually 5th on my checklist. Yes, I believe you should wait until you have all these things figured out before you think about your brand and all it encompasses.
Branding encompasses a very big umbrella. It includes, logo, mission & vision, brand voice & copy, visuals, website (to an extent), marketing materials, your presence & style as the entrepreneur, your story & how it’s told. Phew, that was a mouthful and I’m sure there is even more that falls into this bucket.
While eventually you have to get very clear on your branding, you don’t have to do it right away. Your branding doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, it won’t be and you shouldn’t put too much of your energy in the beginning into perfecting your brand. Brands evolve, especially as you grow into your role as a soulpreneur.
Systems can get extremely complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. What do I mean when I say systems? Systems refers to the people, processes, and technology that help you run your business.
If you are just starting out, it’s likely that you are the only person doing all the work. But as your business grows, you might want to add people to your team to help out. Process & technology systems fall into 4 buckets. Within each bucket there can be multiple tools & platforms, depending on your business.
Lead Acquisition (marketing),
Lead Conversion (Sales),
Product Delivery (operations)
Business Performance (money, metrics & improvement)
Yes, this can be overwhelming. But when it comes to building your systems, I recommend focusing your energy on creating the systems for lead acquisition first, then lead conversion, product delivery, then business performance.
Creation & Connection
This is the reason that many soulpreneurs take the leap in the first place. The ongoing process of creation. Creation of products & marketing content and getting it all out into the world so it can land right in the laps of your soulmate clients. Clients who are ready for the transformation that you offer.
When you start getting lost in the creation phase of your business, it is important to create from the place of delivering value to your audience. You can only deliver value if you connect with them, if you speak their language, if they like & trust you.
There are 1000’s of ways to connect and the way you connect is completely up to you. But whichever way you choose should feel 100% authentic to you. Don’t do something just because your competitors are doing it, especially if you struggle to find your flow doing it.
BONUS: Mindset, part 2
So important, it gets two spots on my list :) Now that you have your business up and running, it’s time to revisit your mindset practice. The mindset challenges you’ve overcome to get you to this point may or may not still be present. And if they are, that’s ok. They still pop up for me from time to time.
But as your business starts to grow and evolve, you will face different challenges when it comes to your mindset. Don’t let that fact deter you, every mindset road bump you face is a chance to grow and evolve, and reach new levels of success. Your ego might be telling you that you aren’t capable of earning more. It might tell you that your new product launch will fail. When this happens, go back to your toolkit to work through those beliefs. Practicing consistency at this stage is just as important as it was in step one.
My soulpreneur business is all about giving other women the tools to start theirs. If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you start up your soulpreneur business, schedule an intro call with me to discuss how I can help you. I look forward to meeting you!
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