Got a roadblock you need help busting through? Have specific questions about your business or your energetic blueprint you want to pick my brain about?
This 60-minute, hands-on power session gives you exactly what you need when you need it most.
- One-on-one audits, strategy development, coaching, or human design/gene keys chart interpretations
- “Pay by the hour” so you get only what you need
- Call recording delivered after our session
The Frequency & Flow Activation Session is for you if…
- You’ve got some burning questions about your human design, gene keys, business, and/or marketing and you’d rather just “phone a professional” than spend hours spiraling in the Google rabbit hole.
- You’re being flooded with ideas & trends you want to try but need help deciding what to take action on, when to start, and how to execute on it effectively in your limited time
- You need an objective set of eyes (and a Projector’s no less!) to audit your work & provide some recommendations to polish it up & help it shine
You call the shots & I’ll bring my A-game so we workshop solutions together